The Seaside Sauna has a scenery to die for. In the daytime the cliffs offer you a wonderful spot to just lie down and enjoy the warmth and in the evening it is just Seaside Sauna that enjoys the last rays of sunshine.
In the sauna six people can sit and admire the view through glassdoor. The sauna is electrically heated, and the cold water is carried in or taken in with a hose. The hot water is carried in from a wooden stove outside the sauna. This athmosphere you cannot get in a city sauna!
In the room next to sauna you can get changed, prepare meals and enjoy them, or just sit down and relax after sauna bathing. This room is equipped with kitchenette, refridgerator, dining table for 6/8 and a fireplace, and of course with racks, hangers and stools for changing the clothes.
You get a sauna time of your own when you rent a cottage, but we do rent the sauna also for other people. The price is 20€ per hour plus 2€ per person. There are couple of docking places available for the Sauna renters on the eastside marina.
New in 2012! A hot tub can be heated for you – ask for an offer!
The Seaside Sauna together with the Villa offer you a great opprtunity to have a team-building event, meeting or a family occasion: first business (meeting, lecture), in the Villa, then relaxation in the sauna! Ask for tailor-made packages!
- Uimaportaita pitkin on helppo pulahtaa virkistymään kauniissa maisemissa.
- Saunan vieressä kalliolla on pöytä ja penkit, jos terassilla syömiseen halutaan vaihtelua
- Leppoisa männyn- ja merentuoksuinen kesäpäivä rantasaunalla.
- Saunalla on kelpokokoinen sauna pesuhuoneineen ja tupa, jossa on ruokaryhmä 8 hengelle, takka ja minikeittiö. Terassilla kelpaa paistatella päivää ja nauttia ilta-auringon viime säteistä.
- Kylpypaljussa rentoudut ja unohdat ulkomaailman kiireet.
- Saunomisen välillä on mukava käydä polskimassa meressä.
- Maisemat ovat henkeäalpaavan kauniit
- Laituri ilta-auringossa
- Saunakamari
- Saunakamarissa ruokailee kuusi henkilöä mukavasti.
- Saunaranta mereltä
- Saunarannan laiturilta on näkymät kauas ulkosaaristoon.